- Minimal Parser Combinator in Python 2021-10-26
- A Simple Implementation of Pratt Parser in Haskell 2021-10-06
- Crafting Interpreters in Haskell - Parsing Expressions 2021-09-15
- Crafting Interpreters in Haskell - Scanning 2021-09-11
- Alex by example (Write You A Python Lexer) 2021-04-04
- De-mystifying Emacs, lsp-haskell and haskell-language-server Setup 2020-09-26
- Read You A Blaze 2020-07-31
- DataFrame use Anti-Pattern 2018-06-11
- Automating Hg Work flow 2018-05-10
- Subclassing a (Pandas) DataFrame 2017-08-30
- Polymorphism in Haskell 2016-09-12
- Metaclasses at work - Generating well formed tests in Python 2016-09-08
- Curry Power 2016-09-07
- Y-Combinator with Clojure 08-08-2014